We are a community comprised of motivated, intelligent, compassionate, people from Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming who are impacted by NF. We are connected with individuals and families all over our country. The NF Network is a true family and the NF North Central Community is a part of this larger family.
We welcome wide-eyed newcomers with open arms and, together, work to find treatments and a cure for neurofibromatosis by promoting scientific research, improving clinical care, and providing outreach through education and awareness, all while offering hope and support to those affected by NF. It is because of this fundamental dedication to the human element of NF, that people are so drawn to the NF Network and the individualized support and guidance it provides them.
Here are a few elements of the NF Network Community we recommend you explore
NF Network Inspire Support Community
The NF Network Inspire Online Support and Discussion Community is an active online community of over 18,000 members across the country and around the world.
The community supports people with neurofibromatosis and their caregivers. You can ask questions and get join discussions for NF1, NF2, and Schwannomatosis.
Camp New Friends for Kids and Teens with NF
Camp New Friends offers children and teens with neurofibromatosis (ages 7-17) seven days and six nights of summer fun and social connections. Camp New Friends serves to reduce the stigma and isolation that is often associated with neurological disorders and chronic health conditions. The camps also provide parents with respite. Learn more about Camp New Friends for kids and teens with NF.
- Webinars for those impacted by NF
- Understanding Neurofibromatosis (ebook)
- Understanding Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (ebook)
In Their Own Words